Wednesday, 23 December 2015


by: MisS VictoriA DaviD

Today, the use of telephone in our lives is very useful as it has radically improved our communications.

Telephone networks in the U.K. offer a lot of packages to choose from. They differ from one to another according to their rates, nationwide or International, of sending text messages to or calling another telephone line.

For the past months, I have compared the differences between the O2 and the ASDA mobile rates. I concluded that owning a pay-as-you-go sim card from ASDA gives more benefits for myself. Specifically the rates of their text messages and calls are very consistent when communicating to any networks here in the U.K.

I have decided to change my network that is why I went online to order a sim card. While reading the instruction, I read an option which allows me to use my existing number as long as I know the PAC (Porting Authorization Code). However, I don't have it yet which is why I sent a message to the O2 customer service requesting for the said code. I, then, waited for almost 24 hours before receiving a call from a customer service representative regarding the code.

I am well decided to transfer but they(O2) offered me free minutes of call per month for 3 months just to stay with their network and to know more of their new gigs. Sadly, a few days after I gave them a call back and asked for the Porting Authorization Code.

I accepted the incentive for a few days but changed my mind afterwards. Which is why, I am now one of ASDA's network users.

*Photo courtesy of

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