Thursday, 24 December 2015


by: MisS VictoriA DaviD

Silicones are synthetic compounds with numerous important uses in the world. Nowadays, they are used in medical applications in order to enhance a woman's ugliness which will then boost confidence. Silicones like breast implants are embedded to a woman's body which has a very delicate procedure. Prior to the operation, it involves a week of medical check-up and after, is the 1-2 months regular in-take of prescribed medicines. Undeniably speaking, it enhances aura but this surgery is considered costly and risky. That is why, only those who can afford and are courageous enough can undergo this type of treatment.
That is the expensive rubber- like silicone! Shall we now talk one of the affordable silicones...

Business minded people have studied how to use silicone in their products. One is in the manufacturing of cellular phone skin case and cover.

It is always in my wisest attitude to be very caring to people I love and it extends to my fragile things too. I have seen phone cases & covers before and are all plain and dull. In today's market, this cellphone protection has vibrant colours for you to choose from- making it more appealing to one's taste. That is why, I have one on my phone now and it fits its purpose. It is protecting my phone against scratches and keeping its appearance new, day by day.

You will love it same as me and surely, it wont make you penniless!

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