Thursday, 4 February 2016


by: MisS VictoriA DaviD


The history of the telephone is based on an experiment where 2 empty cans with holes in one-end were connected using a piece of thread. That experiment was enhanced later by an engineer who is credited as inventing the first practical telephone, Alexander Graham Bell.

However, I hate paying those exorbitant telephone charges for calling abroad. And there is an alternative!

Today, we all accept that the telephone is very useful in our lives as it has radically improved our communications. People nowadays may call or send a message or text. Telephone calls outside our domain or abroad will usually cost more than the local rate. Telephone networks offer a lot of packages to choose from in the hope that they may persuade customers to subscribe. There are cheap calls abroad, unlimited calls and texts etc. A package with a cheaper rate helps with our monthly expenses. Always a good thing!

If you want to call abroad or get-in touch with your loved-ones without subscribing to a network’s packages and worry about the monthly bill, there is an alternative. By simply going online and searching for ‘international cheap calls’. Use your landline telephone and input the access number for the country or location, then dial the person’s telephone number in the usual way. Don’t forget the country code prefix. There are a number of cheap providers to choose from. Access numbers will permit you to call people at a lower, cheaper rate than most of the network’s persuasive packages.

The links below will direct you to a website that provide different rates and a variety of access numbers for you to call abroad.

Call now!

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