Monday, 15 February 2016


by: MisS VictoriA DaviD

Asian's staple food that cannot be replaced in their daily lives is rice. A cereal grain from a monocot plant, Oryza sativa. The seeds of the rice are first milled using a rice huller to remove the chaff (the outer husks of the grain) and then the bran (hard outer layer of grain).

Are you one of these Asians whose daily meal is always complemented with cups of cooked rice or just having it on your table occasionally?

If you like this staple food of us, why not add more flavour into it when cooking. I am sure it will give an interesting sensation in your mouth.

This was just my experiment but the taste of the rice turned very appetising on my taste buds. Here are my ingredients before turning-on the rice cooker.

You will need 2 stalks of spring onions and cut according to your preference. Then, add the sliced spring onions into the rice with the additional ingredients, 2 tbsps. of olive oil, 1 tsp. of mixed herbs and spinach (frozen/fresh). On the other hand, to give it a spicy strength just sprinkle ground pepper/cayenne peper before mixing all ingredients. Cook and don't forget to stir before serving.

You will appreciate not just the aromatic smell but more importantly, the herbal flavour. I highly recommend the use of brown rice for weight conscious people or to those creating/adhering a strict diet regime!

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