Sunday, 7 February 2016


by: MisS VictoriA DaviD

What's good about it?

You can compare the great works of classical musics and talk about the enduring popularity of a masterpiece like Beethoven's pastoral symphony, which is held dear by generations of people.

Youngsters may discover Beethoven in many ways; maybe as part of a course of study or they may hear on the radio. But generally speaking, popular music of the past is not exposed to each generation in the same way.

In particular, there are wonderfully evocative tunes in the 20's and 30's, composed by song writers. These writers specialised in writing songs for other singers and for musicals. There is also the extensive cannon of popular music, starting around the late 50's up until the time when flared pants were the fashion. Popular music, which is now not often heard by youngsters.

Now, we can capture the spirit of the early 60's on the 'youtube' website. Such delights as Neil Sedako's Breaking-up Is Hard To Do etc.

Just as Beethoven has a treasured place in the hearts of many, so to can popular music find a place. Today, 'youtube' allows us to unearth many gems to enjoy.

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